There are no current plans for holding any professional trainings in the near future. Please check back if interested. However, we are currently extending affiliate invitations to health professionals who are interested in using our Kits and Guides and other NFM products in their practice. Please see the relevant page here.
NFM Education is the professional training arm of Natural Fertility Management Pty Ltd, offering health care practitioners the opportunity to gain or extend knowledge and skills in the area of preconception health care, male and female fertility and reproductive health, pregnancy, natural contraception and related areas of complementary medicine.
Practitioners are invited to:
- learn methods of natural fertility awareness for identifying fertile times
- learn how preconception health care can improve generational health and the importance of epigenetics
- learn the latest methods & treatments for optimal fertility and reproductive health (male and female)
- be advised about the full range of specialist fertility pathology tests, diagnoses and treatments
- come up to speed with the latest research, trends & developments
- discuss the confluence of orthodox & natural approaches
- explore case studies for practical application of teachings
- question preeminent educators in the field of reproductive health and meet like-minded peers
- obtain recognised qualifications in the area of Natural Fertility Management
- be inspired by new ideas, people, teachings and opportunities
Principal Educators
Francesca Naish is a naturopath and herbalist with over 30 years experience in practice, helping women and their partners find holistic, natural, non-invasive answers to their contraception, reproductive health and fertility issues. She pioneered and founded Natural Fertility Management and is Director of the Jocelyn Centre, Australia’s first clinic devoted to helping women and couples manage their fertility effectively and conceive healthy, happy children naturally. She is the Author of the best-selling book Natural Fertility and co-author with Janette Roberts of The Natural Way to…Better Babies, Pregnancy, Birth and Bonding, and Breastfeeding. She trains health professionals in Australia and overseas in her methods and frequently appears on the radio, TV and in the press, and is a popular speaker and lecturer.
NFM Education is currently accepting registration from interested practitioners for their upcoming series of lectures, seminars and trainings in 2016.
Please complete the following form to register your interest. You will be emailed regular updates via our newsletter as details are announced.